Understanding and talking about human rights, immigration, and helping refugees is important work that requires knowing the right words. Whether you're helping out, learning more, or just want to make a difference, knowing the right terms can help you connect with others and share ideas more effectively. That's why we've put together a list of important words in both English and Spanish.
From "human rights" (derechos humanos) to "refugee" (refugiado), and "asylum" (asilo) to "without a country" (estado sin nacionalidad), each word is a key that can open doors to better understanding and support. Whether you're talking to someone, writing something, or just want to learn, these words are here to help you make a difference.
Human Rights
Human rights - Derechos Humanos
Equality - Igualdad
Freedom - Libertad
Justice - Justicia
Dignity - Dignidad
International law - Derecho Internacional
Discrimination - Discriminación
Rights violation - Violación de derechos
Asylum - Asilo
Freedom of speech - Libertad de expresión
Fair treatment - Trato justo
Security - Seguridad
Protection - Protección
Refugee - Refugiado
Internally displaced person - Desplazado interno
Immigrant - Inmigrante
Emigrant - Emigrante
Migration - Migración
Visa - Visa
Citizenship - Ciudadanía
Permanent residency - Residencia permanente
Naturalization - Naturalización
Border - Frontera
Border control - Control de fronteras
Border patrol - Patrulla fronteriza
Identity document - Documento de identidad
Passport - Pasaporte
Statelessness - Estado sin nacionalidad
Deportation - Deportación
Political asylum - Asilo político
Refugee Workers
Humanitarian worker - Trabajador humanitario
Humanitarian aid - Ayuda humanitaria
Refugee camp - Campamento de refugiados
Asylum application - Solicitud de asilo
Integration - Integración
Resettlement - Reasentamiento
Stateless person - Apátrida
Persecution - Persecución
Violence - Violencia
Conflict - Conflicto
Psychosocial support - Apoyo psicosocial
Right of asylum - Derecho de asilo
Non-governmental organization (NGO) - Organización no gubernamental (ONG)
UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) - Agencia de la ONU para los refugiados (ACNUR)
Human trafficker - Traficante de personas
These terms are foundational for discussing and understanding issues around human rights, immigration, and refugees in both English and Spanish.